Navigating Legislata: How to create an office

When you first join Legislata, the first thing you will want to do is browse and join the offices - our term for workspaces / communities / groups - that interest you most. We strive to have a solid foundation of spaces and have populated the app with some common areas of interest, like Congress and Massachusetts state politics.

Users have the ability to create new office spaces as well. This could be a public office for a topic area not currently present or it could be creating a private office for your professional team. This post will take you through the steps in order to create your own office.

Step 1.

Go to the drop down list of offices you are currently a part of. At the bottom, you will see an option to “setup a new office”. Once you click that, you will be taken to a new page where you can name your new office.

Step 2.

Once you have created an office, you can edit its profile. Click on the “Office” tab in the lower left corner of the screen. Here, you have a variety of options:

  • Office Name - Choose a name that describes it.

  • Office Description - Give a little bit more detail

  • Jurisdictions & Networks - Choose what jurisdictions or networks that your office is a part of. This allows your office to tag posts, tasks, and emails with bills. We load bills at the state government and federal level. Other types of centralized data are coming soon.

  • Public - If you check this box, your office will be included in the Discover page and other people can request to join it. Don’t check this if it’s a private or internal office. You can invite people manually or share the invite link for it.

  • Tier - You can automatically create Free offices, which allow you to post, tag, and set up notifications. To use our premium features, select Team or Pro. You’ll start a free 4-week trial and we’ll be in touch later about billing.

Once you have edited all the details for your new office, you are free to start populating it as you desire. Enjoy!


Navigating Legislata: How to use Legislata for constituent services


Navigating Legislata: How to invite someone to an office