Legislata for Elected Officials
Here’s what Legislata is and how it can help you
“I would have given my right arm to have had this when I was in the State House… It’s a game changer.” - Former State House legislative director
Let us help you help your community
One of the biggest surprises we had when starting in government was how many emails everyone gets and how quickly researching or advocating the policy you believe in gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. From constituent complaints to meeting agendas to regular workflow, your inbox can easily overwhelm you. For those of you in state or local offices, this deluge may only be addressed after you come home from your day job and start work on your “part-time” elected position. Elected officials and their staff are the foundation of our democracy, but are too rarely given enough resources to do their jobs as efficiently as they could.
There are a number of ways which Legislata can help those in office, but three that we want to highlight are:
Easier constituent services
Keep track of notes and press clippings
Get your message out there
Constituent Services
Managing correspondence from your constituents and helping them resolve their issues is one of the most important jobs of an elected official. In an informal survey taken in December 2020, constituent cases and email represented 50% of the work of local and state elected officials.
Legislata makes all this easier to handle.
You can log constituents’ opinions on issues right from your email client. You can also set up workflows to respond to them more quickly.
You can keep track of your cases and delegate them as appropriate to staff.
You can even record relevant information about your constituents easily so that you can remember who was part of what group that got in touch about which issue.
Keep track of notes and press clippings
Working in politics can mean drowning in paper (or the digital equivalent). Finding what you need later can be impossible - especially if you didn’t take the notes yourself and they were emailed to you or sent as a link in a message. It can be even harder to keep track of news items you need to be aware of, like press clippings.
Luckily, Legislata lets you keep and share notes and anything else you need to remember. Even better, everything can be associated with the legislation, issue, category, person, or organization it relates to. No more searching through a dozen folders to find the agenda from the meeting about potholes only to remember it’s in you inbox. A quick filter for “potholes” in your Legislata office and there you have it.
Even better, you can receive an alert on anything that’s of particular importance to you. If you’re a comms director and you want to be alerted everytime someone sees a press mention, no more need for texts, emails, or messages to let you know about it. Whoever sees it first can create a post in Legislata, tag it with “press hit”, and you’ll be sent a notification. Minimal fuss for maximum productivity.
Get your message out
Legislata also helps you share and collaborate with others - including staying up to date with what’s happening in your networks and letting others know what you think.
Join an offices about your political networks, from geography to issue-based, or create your own if one doesn’t yet exist. Upload your statements, press releases, testimony, or events and tag it with what they relate to. Everyone else will see what you have to say and those who care enough about those issues to have set up alerts will be notified.
No more sending out a press release on infrastructure and hope it get picked up by the press so infrastructure enthusiasts see it. Upload it, tag it “infrastructure”, and they’ll get an alert instantaneously.
You can also email your statements to statements@legislata.com and we’ll post and tag it for you.
How to sign up?
If you want to get started right away, you can go to app.legislata.com and create an account (currently, it only works on desktop, not mobile). You can also request to join offices sharing information about different geographies, or create your own and invite others to follow you.
It’s free to join and you can select Team or Pro in the Office page to start your free four-week trial of those premium tiers.
Additional tidbits
A full user guide is available here.
A tutorial video series is here.
You can check out our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy (and Privacy Policy for California) and our FAQs to learn more about it.
You can request a personal demonstration here.