Who would you vote for in France, Germany, or Britain?

News from the biggest countries in Europe often make it to the United States. But if parties from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany were competing for American votes, who would you support? And would that change how you read the news or think about how politics transfers from one national context to the next? 

To help us explore this idea, we created a quiz, based on the many that are created to help people determine which party or candidate they should support in an election. We chose twenty questions that span a number of topic areas and that are understandable in both an American and European setting. That meant nothing about gerrymandering or EU integration, but plenty on economic and foreign policy. 

We then asked Dr. Thomas Fröhlich to score the questions based on his best estimation of how the major parties of the UK, France, and Germany would answer. Thom held a DAAD/AICGS Research Fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary Germany Studies at Johns Hopkins Univeristy and holds a prestigious ESRC postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He recently worked on a comparative study of the coal phase-out in West Virginia and the Lusatia region in Eastern Germany.  

You can take the quiz below and see who you would support. We’ll also be drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card for everyone who takes the quiz before December 25 as a way of saying thanks for being engaged with politics. 


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