
Chris Oates Chris Oates

Six steps to onboard interns and immediately engage them in your office

Managing interns can seem intimidating, especially when you just stopped being one yourself. As a staffer in a state legislature or city council, you’re often in one of your first roles out of college, inundated with work, and still learning the ins and outs of the job. You’re then given a handful of students to manage, no management training, and expected to get them up to speed.

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Chris Oates Chris Oates

What people in State Houses and City Halls wish they’d known when they started

When many people think of elected officials, they envision polished politicos whisking through stately corridors. They may picture noisy press briefings, lavish state dinners, or fiery primetime debates. In the American imagination, elected officials are masters of political intrigue who broker deals over martinis and expensive steak dinners.

In reality, public service looks a whole lot less like The West Wing and more like Parks & Recreation.

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