Dive into #mapoli with our Massachusetts offices

We’ve launched two offices (our term for virtual workspaces) for Massachusetts politics: MA State Government and MA Elections. These can help keep you up to date with everything going on in the Massachusetts political world as well as share your latest press releases, hearing testimony, or any other piece of information you want to communicate with others.

Here’s how you can get started with them and you can also watch through our video explainer here.

Request an Invite

These offices are currently invite-only. Email chris@legislata.com or fill out the form below to request access. We try to complete invitations from legitimate interests (ie, no bots) within 24 hours.

Read the office description and community guidelines

An office, even if virtual, is still a place where people work together. Please read the guidelines on what we expect out of everyone and what you can expect in these offices before you begin. And if you’re creating your own office, we highly recommend that you write up similar guidelines at the start.

See what’s there and set up notifications

In our State Government office, we’ll have five automatic postings which will all be tagged with a bill or topic tag.

  1. Legislative actions (bill tag for the bill each action relates to)

  2. Daily legislative action roundup (Topic: Legislative roundup)

  3. New State House events (Topic: State House Event)

  4. Daily new State House event roundup (Topic: Event roundup)

  5. Tweets from members of the State House (Topic: Twitter roundup)

In our Elections office, we’ll be posting all endorsements from statewide campaigns, with more types of information coming soon.

You can receive notifications for any post tagged with what you’re interested in. Go to the account page when you’re in the MA State Government or MA Elections offices and select what you want to be notified for and how you want to receive your notifications.

Here, John Adams is getting notifications from all posts tagged with State House Event, Event roundup, Legislative roundup, Twitter roundup, or H4002. He’ll receive these notifications in a daily digest email, as well as in his notifications feed within Legislata.

Start uploading

If you have things that are relevant for these offices and you want to share, create a post and share it!

You can click + New Post in the posts page and add what you want to. Post Title is what will be the headline in the feed and the Post Description should contain the body of what you have to say.

We strongly recommend that you tag you post with what it relates to, so others can receive notifications about it. You can check out the issue and topic tags available in the Data tab to the left of the screen. You can also create a new tag if it is a truly novel topic or issue (though we equally strongly recommend you don’t create a tag unnecessarily - fit it into what it connects to closest). You can also tag it with yourself or your organization as a contact and you can create as a contact tag if you need to.

Check back in or use as archive

New posts will be added daily, so check in to see what the latest is. Or, if you are working on a project and need to see all posts about a certain bill or issue, use the search bar (which lets you search the text of the title and description or the tags associated with a bill) to find everything in the office about it. We hope that this helps you save time finding the information you need and more time working with it.

About Legislata

Legislata was founded to help people in politics be more productive. We are currently in beta so please request an invite to join below.


Massachusetts Forecasting Tournament


Using tags to stop scrolling through Twitter